Iberian species

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing, Nutrition and Environment benefits from our technical and infrastructural support to protect and preserve threatened Iberian species.


Starting date: 2013

End date: Ongoing

Location: Spain

Especies Ibéricas

Zoo-Aquarium de Madrid and Faunia collaborate with the Spanish Ministry of the Environment (Ministerio de Medioambiente y del Medio Rural y Marino) to preserve several threatened iberian species.

The following are the most significant among them:

The Parques Reunidos Foundation is a cosignant in this partnership agreement between the two parks and the ministry. In addition, the Foundation contributes to the effort to disseminate and raise awareness about iberian species. Through the Foundation’s communication channels, we inform visitors about the problems and threats faced by the animals included in the program.


The Parques Reunidos Foundation collaborates with threatened species breeding programs carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing, Nutrition and Environment by making out facilities and staff available to their programs.

Furthermore, through the Foundation’s communication channels online at at the park, we participate in disseminating information and awareness about the current threats that affect these species.


This collaboration includes actions that focus on supporting the following programs:

  1. Imperial Eagle breeding program, thanks to the pair of eagles lent to the Zoo Aquarium de Madrid.
  2. Lesser kestrel breeding program.
  3. European mink breeding programs, thanks to the different individuals let to the Zoo Aquarium de Madrid and Faunia.
  4. Collaboration between CSIC and Zoo-Aquarium de Madrid for the in situ preservation of threatened species/subspecies of gazelles protected by EEZA-CSIC: Dama gazelle, Cuvier’s gazelle, Dorcas gazelle and the Barbary sheep.