
Every area within the Parques Reunidos Foundation relies on a number of partnerships and collaborations which contribute to successfully developing the projects that make the Parques Reunidos Spirit possible every year.

Such partners focus on:

  • Supporting hospitalized children and those who suffer from acute illnesses, as well as their families.
  • Supporting communities affected by rare illnesses and disabilities, as well as their families.
  • Promoting equal opportunities for low-income families and inclusion for communities at risk of social exclusion.
  • Spreading the word and creating awareness about topics such as environmental conservation and education through programs carried out at some of the group’s parks.
  • Protecting biodiversity, developing breeding programs for threatened species, and fostering scientific research in collaboration with some of the group’s animal Parks.

Childhood & Health

Social Inclusion

Education & Awareness

Logo  MNCN
Instituto Jane Goodall
Proyecto Liberia
SEO BirdLife
Zoohackathon 2018
Photo Ark

Biodiversity & Research