White-footed Tamarin

Contribution to reproduction programs and, through ACOPAZOA and EAZA, to the study of distribution and health of wild populations of White-footed Tamarin.


Starting date: 2013

End date: Ongoing

Location: Colombia

Tití Gris


This program began in 2005 with the aim of preserving the White-footed Tamarin (Saguinus leucopus), a small primate endemic of a very limited area of distribution in Colombia (15.000 km2). It cannot be found at any European zoo and is classified by the IUCN Red List as “Endangered”.

The project includes two scopes of action:

  • Ex-situ Project: a reproduction program carried out by zoological institutions, training programs, educational programs at zoos, research and standardization of veterinarian practices.
  • In-situ Project: a Conservation program is possible through a collaboration among the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), EAZA and the Colombian Association of Zoos and Aquaria (ACOPAZOA), which studies the distribution, density, genetics and health situation of populations in the wild.


The greatest threats the White-footed Tamarin faces today is the destruction of its natural habitat and their illegal trade as pet animals.


The Parques Reunidos Foundation manes an annual donation of 2.500€ to the Zoo de Beauval, who leads this international collaboration.